The Conquering of Jericho Nisan 28
Tomorrow, Friday is the 28th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan.…

Pictures of the day – Ein Gedi, Masada
On Tuesday, I am leading a tour to the Dead Sea area, including…

Join me for a tour of Masada, Ein Gedi and the Dead Sea
On Tuesday of Chol HaMoed, I will be leading a fun tour of Ein…

Second Temple Jerusalem model at the Israel Museum – Israel picture of the day
Today's Israel picture of the day is from the Israel Museum…

I am now a certified to give Temple Institute tours!
The Temple Institute is awesome
I love the Temple Institute!…

Touring the Parsha – Parshat Parah
This week's Parsha is Vayakhel-Pekudei. In addition, we read…